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Picture of Carolyn Durham, smiling. She is sitting on top of a decorative grass mound in downtown Los Angeles.

Carolyn Got a Kidney!

On January 3, 2024, I received a lovely kidney from a generous person.

I can never adequately express my gratitude with all of you for what you did to help me find a kidney and get the word out about signing up to be an organ donor. 

This website will continue to be a source for organ donation information and a way
to stay updated on my adventures.


With all my love and gratitude, 

Hi, I'm Carolyn.

And I found a kidney!

In 2011, I received a bilateral lung transplant as a result of end-stage cystic fibrosis.

Years of immunosuppression have led to renal failure, which led me to embark on a new adventure: 
Renal Transplant.

Part of this adventure was finding a volunteer to donate one of their kidneys to me.

You all showed up by signing up, by sharing this page, and by supporting me on this journey.

Thank you for embarking on this adventure with me.

Thank you for helping me find a kidney and supporting me.

Now, let's get wild!

General Information
Kidney Donation

Many folks still need a kidney -- and other organs. 

Organ donation is an amazing medical advancement that allows people to continue living.
Living donation is a particularly spectacular advancement. 

The donation process is completely voluntary and covered the donor's insurance. It is also completely anonymous, unless you share the information yourself. Only you are informed about the evaluation process, scheduling, etc. 

You can sign up to be a living donor at anytime. Below are some helpful links to make that happen. 

There is no obligation to sign up to be a donor or to continue the process once you've signed up.

You don't even have to know anyone who needs an organ. 

Not ready to donate today? 

Make sure your desire to donate is captured in your will and that you discuss it with your loved ones. A heart on your driver's license is nice, but it's not legally binding. So get that documentation in order!

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